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"Build Peace in the Minds of Men and Women"

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Union and innovation in the face of COVID-19



The activities carried out by the clubs are varied and depend, above all, on the age and interests of their members and also on the financial resources and means of action available.

Regardless of their nature and scope, these initiatives consist of promoting the dissemination of UNESCO principles and civil society objectives. These clubs therefore make it possible to publicize the values ​​represented by the Organization in the local communities.


Scope of action and activities of clubs:

• The dissemination of general principles, such as those established in the Preamble to the Constitution of UNESCO, the Charter of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights;
• Participation in the celebration of international days and years proclaimed by the General Assembly of the United Nations and the General Conference of UNESCO;

• The promotion of literacy activities, the preservation and revaluation of cultural heritage;

• The organization of fields of study for young people;

• Education for the prevention of AIDS, cancer and drug use;
• Promote and implement quality education for peace, freedom, justice, human development, environmental conservation, conservation and dissemination of sites declared World Heritage Sites;

• The publication of newsletters, information documents. Conferences and debates: seminars and study days, symposia and meetings designed to arouse interest in UNESCO, its mission and its activities.


UNESCO centers differ from clubs or associations in that they operate permanently in places usually open to the general public. They have a staff of specialized personnel that are most often paid. They have relatively abundant, and often very considerable, resources from various backgrounds (governments, municipalities, foundations, sponsor groups).

The primary objective of the Clubs is:

Promote the understanding of UNESCO and its programs and support for them. The Clubs seek to disseminate the ideals of UNESCO and carry out activities directly inspired by those of the Organization, expand cultural horizons and provide an invaluable service to UNESCO and the National Commissions for UNESCO, complementing public information activities. The Clubs respect the founding principles of UNESCO and its activity is not for profit. They are also legally and financially independent of UNESCO.
